Capturing Life One Click at a Time

My photo
Capturing life one click at a time pretty much describes my style of photography. I have a photojournalistic type of photography always striving to keep your images creative and fun. I hope you enjoy the images below and don't forget to leave me a little comment to let me know! :-) Contact me today for more information: Email: Phone: 616-308-8918 Scroll down for pricing.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Charlotte - 4 months Old

I have to admit, I was nervous about this session. Well, maybe nervous isn't the word. More like an anxious-nervousness. The thing is, ya just never know what you are walking into when you walk into a 4 month old session. The happiest babies in the world can sometimes grow horns when it's time for picture day. Normally fussy babies can be all smiles. So, whenever doing a baby session, as much as I ADORE doing them, this anxious-nervousness always fills my mind in the hours before hand.

But, little Charlotte showed me very quickly into the session I had nothing to fear. This baby was woke up from a nap and STILL no crying! Yeah, I know, pretty flipping awesome!

Although baby Charlotte wasn't quite as full of smiles like she usually is, we were still able to capture a few of them and lots of simply adorable little expressions.

When I was talking with Angie, Charlotte's mom, she asked if I was going to bring any props along or should see come up with something. A quick glance around their house and I knew coming up with "something" wouldn't be hard. She had all these fabulous antique items and this amazing old chest which I fell in love with.

This one here is for daddy ... well, the whole family really ... they are big State fans so they are breaking this baby in early...:-) She looks happy with it.

It was great meeting you and little Charlotte today Angie. I hope you enjoy your preview.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Meet Bear - Our Foster Pup

Bear came to us a week ago today. We didn't know much about his background so we slowly tested him. It didn't take very long and we realized, he's the perfect dog in our opinion.

Before coming into rescue, Bear had an issue ... he liked to run. Of course, this was't a fault of his, unneutered males will do this, he just wanted a girlfriend. However, dogs running loose is not a good thing so, the Great Pyrenees Rescue took care of the issue causing the problem. In Bears case, his running just may have been his saving grace though.

During one of his outings, Bear decided to run directly in front of an animal control truck. He was caught and returned to his owners ... they made it clear in a few short words they didn't want him. So, off to the shelter he went. Orginally, they said he was a purebreed Great Pyrenees, um .... I don't think so. Bear is a Komondor/Pyrenees Mix. Both breeds have very strong personalities. Both were guardian dogs and both take that job VERY seriously. So seriously, that is not properly trained, they think THEY are the ones in charge and NOT the humans that own them. So we used caution when taking Bear into our home. After slow introductions and a week of observation we feel he would make a fabulous pet for any family setting, as long as boundries are clear.

Bear loves to play and is learning to fetch the ball and bring it back. I think in his previous home they were a bit tough on him, he was hesitant to come when called. So a game of fetch was a great bonding experience for us ... he realized that coming when called doesn't mean something bad is going to happen. He is realizing that it can actually mean something good will take place! Bear is about 1-1.5 years old ... the PERFECT adopting age!! He is past all that puppy stuff AND he is house broken. He loves going for walks and does extremely well on a leash; no hard tugging even when walking past barking dogs.

Bear and Baloo are growing to be very good friends. Baloo has been a very good teacher in showing Bear when acceptable play and unacceptable play is. Bear even got to meet one of our past fosters, Addie. Addie let Bear know right away she was the boss and Bear was totally fine with it. Bear loves the puppy, as you can see below, the problem ... Bear is quite big compared to the pup. Even though the pup THINKS he is big enough to play with the big dogs, I keep the play to a minimum and only supervised. Bear likes to jump when playing and um ... well, we all know that could be a bad thing.

Bear is an absolutely adorable dog. His nickname around the house, "Lover Bear." He loves to cuddle and give hugs but also loves to play! Running around the back yard while we pretend to chase him is much fun for him. He is house broken (no accidents in the house at all)! He's great with our kids and other dogs. He is also up for adoption!! He's all up to date on his shots and has been neutered. His adoption fee is $300. For anyone who has large breed dogs you know this adoption fee bearly covers the vet bills. If you have an interest in adopting Bear, please contact Marcie at the Great Pyrenees Rescue at