My daughters preschool class had a planned field trip to the zoo yesterday though. I am not a lover of cold weather so in all honesty, was not looking forward to this trip ... the things we do for our children...:-) But yesterday, we got all bundled up and headed out. I can't say that I will be doing it again anytime soon, but ... it was still pretty neat seeing the animals in all the snow. I have been to this zoo a million times but seeing it in the snow makes it feel like a whole new zoo!
Here we are getting started with the ducks....

Then onto the petting zoo ... we couldn't pet though, we just got to look.

We all had much fun with this otter. I didn't know that if you jingle your keys, he comes out thinking someone is there to give him food. Ok, maybe kinda mean teasing him like that but it totally worked!

My little neice, Jaida, was with us yesterday and when we came to the mountain lion she was in love. She kept asking me over and over again, "Angie can we pleeeease just take him home with us?" Um ... probably not Jaida...:-)

Doesn't this little guy look like he is smiling for the camera? So cute!

Some of the kiddo's watching the monkey's ... at the inside exhibit where it was WARM!

This little mamma looked like she could give birth at any second!

I think these guys had the right idea!

Last thing before we left ... watching the wave pool! The kids loved this! All we, as parents, need to do is install one of these in our homes and it is sure to keep them busy for at least 10 minutes!!

Glad it wasn't soooo bad, maybe next weekend we will head to good ol' John Ball. I have heard it is cool and want to see it for myself. Thanks for sharing, the duck pic is my fave, I like the intensity of colors against the snow!!
Looks like fun Angie! Can't wait to take our little guy...we will probably wait until warmer weather though! :)
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