Sunday I spent my morning at Banner of Christ reflecting on all that God did for us. I still can't comprehend it. I know what it is like to loss a child, I know what it is like to watch your child go through hurt and pain. To know that God sent His one and only son to die for me, my family, my friends ... all of us ... so that we could be saved, I just can't comprehend it. Since we lost Zachary and formed foundations to raise money for others affected by congenital heart defects I have heard many times, "Because of Zachary, so many other babies/people can potentially be saved!" Of course that is fabulous and I love it, that's why I did what I did but in all honesty, I would give it all up just to have MY baby back! I will never understand how God was able to do what He did for us. During the Easter season, I can't help but be extremely moved by the love He must have had for us to send His Son.

Often times at Banner they do a "Noisey Offering." This is where the kids collect people change. For the 7 weeks before Easter, families could take home little buckets and save their change. On Easter, everyone was to bring in their buckets and try to fill the 10 Gallon can. All the money raised goes to starving people in Africa. The money will be used to teach people to farm and grow their own crops! I think we did fairly amazing! That 10 gallon bucket was almost filled and there was still a 2nd service!!

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